Kyrie Lizik
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine


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If you're looking to naturally enhance your health and take care of your body, you've come to the right place.

Acupuncture is effective in treating pain.

Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. It is also effective for overall wellness, including stress management, because it is able to bring the body back to a parasympathetic state- the rest, relax, and digest part of your nervous system.  This is the opposite of the sympathetic - fight or flight portion of our nervous systems which many of us are in much of our day.  When we are in the parasympathetic state, our bodies can relax, our anxieties decrease, and our bodies are able to repair themselves, and heal dysfunctions which can be the early signs of many diseases.   So, it is good preventative medicine to be relaxed in the parasympathetic state. 

Acupuncture is a several thousand year old technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — which flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. These meridians follow closely to the main nerves and blood vessels that run head to toe.  We insert needles into specific points along these meridians, to promote electrical energy flow, improve circulation, reduce pain and promote healthier cellular function among other things. 

Acupuncture is based on the theory of balance

The body was observed long ago to be in a state of health when aspects were in balance, and illness develops when the bodies systems lose that balance.  The ancients developed theories of Yin and Yang within the body and the presence of health underlying any physical ailment. Early documentation dates back 4,000+ years.  Knowledge has continued to grow and develop ever since.

After a full diagnostic intake, points are chosen by the practitioner to achieve movement of the life energy, called qi (“chee”), which flows through the body.  Acupuncture works by reminding your body how to use its resources most efficiently.  All aspects of internal function are addressed through interaction with qi.  This includes measurable increased blood flow, better fluid movement, and release of endorphins and  regulation of other natural hormones.  

Acupuncture treatments have a cumulative effect. 

Just as health problems develop over time, it takes time for the body to heal itself.  The longer you have been dealing with an issue, the longer it will take to treat.  Time frame is variable, based on acute or chronic issues and your goals. In general, 3-4 treatments (once or twice per week) will create noticeable change for the majority of primary complaints before re-evaluation.  It is typical to notice a change in symptoms after one treatment, however, repeat visits will provide longer sustainable results.  Acupuncture supports your body to heal from within.  Continued care a few times per year is the optimal use of acupuncture as preventative medicine.


Acupuncture can surprise you with its effectiveness and benefits!  


 About Acupuncture Needles

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at electrically conductive points on your body. Acupuncture needles are sterile, disposable tools regulated by the FDA.  They are a fraction of the size of needles used for blood work or injections in your MD’s office.  Additionally, they are not hollow, but solid, and this decreases the sensation upon insertion. Acupuncture needles are solid, flexible, and about the size of one or two strands of hair.  They are generally inserted 1-2cm into the fascia just under the skin layer.  Often times, patients remark that they hardly feel the needle at all; others compare it to the pinch feeling of a mosquito bite that subsides after just a few seconds. 

The needles are typically left in for 20-30 minutes, throughout which time there may be no sensation at all, a feeling of heaviness or achiness at the site of insertion, or a sensation of warmth or movement throughout the body.  Each of these experiences is acceptable and will vary from person to person. 

A good article to read on Evidence Based Acupuncture results:

If you have any questions, please use the contact form. You can also call me at 414-241-6415.  Thank you very much!